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These monstrous offenses against humanity—this defiance of the spirit of Christ’s gospel—exist today in the city which hears your message.

And further: the well-fed people, whose ease and luxury are built upon this poverty, child labor and exploitation, sit in your congregation, contribute to your campaign funds, entertain you socially, and invite you to hold prayer meetings in their homes.

These are they that bind grievous burdens on men’s shoulders, that make clean the outside of the cup and the platter—the devourers of widows’ houses, against whom Christ hurled His curses.

Here is Dives; yonder is Lazarus. And it is Dives who has made your campaign financially possible.

Make no mistake! The chief priests, scribes and Pharisees of Philadelphia will never crucify you while you deal in theological pleasantries. Has it occurred to you that their kindness is a return for your services in helping them to divert attention from real, pressing worldly injustice to heavenly bliss? Turn your oratorical brilliancy for a moment against low wages, over-work, unemployment, monopoly and special privilege.
