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“He’ll do,” returned Hickok briefly, but with conviction. “We’ve been in town about three hours, Nick, and we’ve got the cattle barons down on us.”

“What do we care? Thet means excitement—somethin’ ter fill in ther time till Buffler gits hyar. Ye was pinin’ fer thet, a spell ago.”

“I’m pining for it now, too. Come on, pard, and let’s mosey back into the main street.”

“Kerect. Ef any o’ Benner’s ’r Phelps’ punchers makes er dead set at us prior ter supper, us two’ll turn Hackamore inside out.”




The clerk at the Delmonico Hotel, as the shanty hostelry was called, made a mistake while Wild Bill, Nomad and Cayuse were at supper with the sky pilot. A man came in with a small package wrapped in a piece of newspaper.

“Charlie,” said the man to the clerk, “tuck this here package away in Lige Benner’s saddlebags.”

Charlie was shaking dice over the board counter with a cowboy. The clerk was trying to find out whether he’d give the cowboy a cigar for nothing or make him pay double for it.
