Читать книгу Buffalo Bill, Peacemaker; Or, On a Troublesome Trail онлайн

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“Thunder!” he exclaimed, drawing his horse to a halt.

“What’s up, pard?” asked Nomad, as he and the others likewise halted.

“I don’t know what’s up,” answered Wild Bill. “Lean over, Nick, and get a firestick to going. Have I got my own warbags, or somebody else’s?”

The trapper struck a light and held it over the battered leather receptacles which always traveled with Hickok whenever he rode.

“They’re yoren, Hickok,” declared Nomad. “Ye could pick out them bags from a thousand.”

“The bags may be mine, Nick, but I’ll take oath this don’t belong to me.”

In the glow of the match Wild Bill presented the package for the others’ inspection.

“Ye didn’t put that in yer warbags, eh?”

“No. I never saw it before. Strike another match and let’s see what’s inside.”

Examination showed Wild Bill and his companions two pairs of steel bracelets. Everybody was staring and wondering.

“Now, how the blazes did those ‘come-alongs’ get into my gear?” demanded Wild Bill, completely at sea. “I never owned a pair of manacles in my life, and the only time I ever used any was when I was town marshal, up at Abilene. Even then I shied at the things. How did these get into my warbags? Parson, are you a mind reader?”
