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At The Collect.

So called, because the priest lays before God the necessities of all his people; their vows and desires collected, as it were, together; whence, turning to the congregation, he invites them to unite with him in the petition, saying: Oremus, or Let us Pray.

Almighty and eternal God, we humbly beseech thee to look down from thy heavenly sanctuary upon this congregation, and graciously hear these prayers, which thy church addresses to thee for us by the ministry of thy priest.

Grant us, in thy infinite mercy, pardon of our sins, health of mind and body, peace in our days, unity and increase of Catholic faith, fervent charity, sincere devotion, patience in suffering, and every thing else conducive to thy glory and our own salvation: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

At The Epistle.

Return God thanks for having called you to the knowledge of his holy law; submit to it with perfect docility; and beg of him to extend our holy religion over the whole world.

O eternal God, who never ceasest to excite us to the worship and love of thy holy name, or to arm us against the attacks of the world, the flesh, and the devil, by the public ministry of thy church, by the doctrine of thy prophets and apostles, and by many other holy admonitions; grant we may faithfully attend to these lessons of salvation, that thus our knowledge of thy law may never rise in judgment against us, but guide us securely to thee: through Christ our Lord. Amen.
