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At The Offertory.
Consider what an advantage it is to have in this sacrifice, wherewithal to honour God perfectly; to thank him in a manner equal to his gifts; to blot out entirely your past sins; and to obtain, both for yourself and others, all those graces you stand most in need of.
O holy Father, almighty and eternal God, how unworthy soever I may appear in thy presence, yet I presume to offer thee this Host, by the hands of the priest, with the same intention which Christ my Saviour had, when he first instituted this august sacrifice, and which he now has at this very instant that he immolates himself for us. I offer it in acknowledgment of thy supreme dominion over me and all creatures. I offer it in expiation of my crimes; in thanksgiving for all thy benefits. I offer it to obtain from thy infinite goodness, for my parents, benefactors, friends, and enemies, all those precious gifts and graces which only through him can be obtained, who is Just by excellence, and who became a victim for the sins of men. I earnestly entreat thee to bless and protect the holy Catholic Church, our chief pastor the Pope, our Bishops and Clergy, the Queen and Royal Family, and all our fellow-subjects of every denomination. Remember also, O Lord, the souls of the faithful departed, and grant them, through the merits of thy Son, eternal light and peace. Have mercy upon all heretics, infidels and sinners. Bless and preserve all mine enemies; and as I freely forgive them the injuries they have done, or mean to do me, so do thou, in thy mercy, forgive me mine offences. Amen.