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ssss1 Lucas Gracián Dantisco wrote an imitation of Della Casa's book under the title of Galateo español (Barcelona, 1594). His brother, Tomás, is mentioned by Cervantes in the Canto de Calíope.

ssss1 The earliest known edition of the Celestina is believed to be represented by an unique copy which was once in Heber's collection. The colophon of this volume is dated Burgos 1499; but there is some doubt concerning the date inasmuch as the last page has been recently inserted and may not be a faithful reproduction of the original printer's mark. It is, however, tolerably certain that this edition came from the press of Fadrique de Basilea (Friedrich Biel): for whom, see Conrad Haebler's Typographie Ibérique du quinzième siècle (La Haye and Leipzig, 1901), pp. 30-32. It is also fairly certain that this Heber copy, whatever its exact date may be, is earlier than the Seville edition of 1501, reprinted (1900) by M. Raymond Foulché-Delbosc in his Bibliotheca Hispanica. Finally, the probability is that the edition which survives in the Heber volume was preceded by another edition of which no trace remains: see M. Foulché-Delbosc's remarkable Observations sur la Célestine in the Revue hispanique (Paris, 1900), vol. vii., pp. 28-80.
