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(c) "Cervantes married his wife in December, 1584, and for reasons which will be manifest to those who have read the story of his life I think we may presume that his first book was printed before that date." (p. 257).

(d) "The Galatea, Cervantes' first book ... was approved for publication on the 1st of February, 1584, but, for some reason not explained, it was not published till the beginning of the year following." (p. 87).

(e) "Salvá maintains it (i.e. the Alcalá edition of 1585) to be the editio princeps, but I agree with Asensio and the older critics in believing that there must have been an edition of 1584." (p. 257).

(f) "Navarrete and Ticknor, following all the older authorities, make the place of publication Madrid and the date 1584. But Salvá has proved in his Bibliography that the Galatea was first published at Alcalá, the author's birthplace, at the beginning of 1585." (p. 87 n. 3).

These sentences do not appear to convey a strictly consistent view: (b) contradicts (c), (c) contradicts (d), (d) contradicts (e), and (e) contradicts (f).
