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“Those difficulties which Saunderson spoke of last night at the club cannot be true. She would not be so mad as to entertain in this lavish style if they were.”

“Oh, she does it for a blind,” was the reply of the other. “There is no way of keeping up your credit like keeping up your debts. She is a fool of course. By the way, they say that handsome girl of hers might help her if she would.”

“By marrying Selwyn?” said the other.

“Aye. Why not? By marrying Selwyn and saving the position.”

The first man made an impatient movement.

“I hope the girl has too much self-respect,” he said then.

Barbara shivered behind her curtain. Very little more would have made her scream. Her silk dress made a slight noise as it rustled against the balcony.

“Hush, there may be some one near,” said the first speaker. The men moved away, and Barbara stepped on to the balcony. She leant over the parapet and pressed her hands to her hot cheeks.

“It is too bad,” thought the angry girl; “even in mother’s own house they will not leave her alone. I know who those men are, of course. I recognized Mr. Ashford’s voice, and the other is Mr. Seton. So our affairs are the common talk of the clubs, and it is really expected that I am to rescue mother by making a loveless marriage. But I won’t—my life is my own; I decline to sacrifice myself.”
