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“I am glad to find you at last,” said a voice in her ears. “I have been looking for you everywhere. Why are you hiding yourself?”

“The rooms are so hot,” answered Barbara shortly. “How do you do, Dr. Tarbot?”

The man held out his hand, which Barbara just touched with her long, slim fingers. His was a somewhat striking personality, and yet he was not the least good-looking. He was of medium height, thin in build: his brow was broad and lofty, his eyebrows well marked, and his deep gray eyes were full of light.

That strange light was never absent from the eyes, which in themselves were somewhat pale in color, but with their black irises and black surroundings made an important addition to a decidedly remarkable face. The man’s mouth was firm and cut in a straight line.

He made the most of his height, holding himself very erect, and now he looked full and boldly into Barbara’s eyes. The balcony was softly lit, and the girl could be seen quite distinctly. The electric light, which was covered with glass globes formed in the shape of lilies, gave her an unreal appearance.
