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How to procure the dissolving of bewitched love, also to enforce a man (how proper so ever he be) to love an old hag: and of a bawdie tricke of a priest in Gelderland. ssss1.

Of divers saincts and holie persons, which were exceeding bawdie and lecherous, and by certeine miraculous meanes became chast. ssss1.

Certeine popish and magicall cures, for them that are bewitched in their privities. ssss1.

A strange cure doone to one that was molested with Incubus. ssss1.

A confutation of all the former follies touching Incubus, which by examples and proofes of like stuffe is shewed to be flat knaverie, wherein the carnall copulation with spirits is overthrowne. ssss1.

That Incubus is a naturall disease, with remedies for the same, besides magicall cures herewithall expressed. ssss1.

The censure of G. Chaucer, upon the knaverie of Incubus. ssss1.

The fift Booke.

OF transformations, ridiculous examples brought by the adversaries for the confirmation of their foolish doctrine. ssss1.

Absurd reasons brought by Bodin, & such others, for confirmation of transformations. ssss1.
