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A confutation of witches confessions, especiallie concerning their league. ssss1.

A confutation of witches confessions, concerning making of tempests and raine: of the naturall cause of raine, and that witches or divels have no power to doo such things. ssss1.

What would ensue, if witches confessions or witchmōgers opinions were true, concerning the effects of witchcraft, inchantments, &c. ssss1.

Examples of forren nations, who in their warres used the assistance of witches; of eybiting witches in Ireland, of two archers that shot with familiars. ssss1.

Authorities condemning the fantasticall confessions of witches, and how a popish doctor taketh upon him to disproove the same. ssss1.

Witchmongers reasons, to proove that witches can worke wonders, Bodins tale of a Friseland preest transported, that imaginations proceeding of melancholie doo cause illusions. ssss1.

That the confession of witches is insufficient in civill and common law to take awaie life. What the sounder divines, and decrees of councels determine in this case. ssss1.
