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Of a man turned into an asse, and returned againe into a man by one of Bodins witches: S. Augustines opinion thereof. cap. 94.

A summarie of the former fable, with a refutation thereof, after due examination of the same. pag. 97.

That the bodie of a man cannot be turned into the bodie of a beast by a witch, is prooved by strong reasons, scriptures, and authorities. pag. 99.

The witchmongers objections concerning Nabuchadnez-zar answered, & their errour concerning Lycanthropia confuted. pag. 101.

A speciall objection answered concerning transportations, with the consent of diverse writers thereupon. ssss1.

The witchmongers objection concerning the historie of Job answered. pag. 105.

What severall sortes of witches are mentioned in the scriptures, & how the word witch is there applied. ssss1.

The sixt Booke.

THe exposition of this Hebrue word Chasaph, wherin is answe/redS s. ii. v. the objection conteined in Exodus 22. to wit: Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, and of Simon Magus. Acts 8. ssss1.
