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He took the wheel of Marjorie’s car, while Lily climbed into Dick’s. Side by side, they made their way to the suburbs.

It was Lily, however, who wondered whether Marjorie had been elected to the class presidency.




Dick’s exuberant sense of humor in making light of the whole situation, and John’s genuine pleasure in seeing Marjorie again, acted as a veritable tonic to the girl’s drooping spirits; by the time the cars had stopped in front of Mrs. Hadley’s door, she was able to laugh and joke with the others. By common consent the young people decided to dismiss the matter from their minds, for the time being, at least.

“Come right in!” greeted their hostess, flinging the door wide open in welcome. “I have hot chocolate all ready for you!”

“With whipped cream, I’ll wager!” cried Lily. “Mrs. Hadley, don’t you care how fat I get?”

“My dear, you’re not fat——”

“Yes, I know what you’re going to say! Everybody politely says the same thing! But I used to be awfully fat, didn’t I, Marj? And if I don’t count my calories——”
