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“No, no!” protested Lily, almost overturning her cup in her eagerness to brush Dick aside. “I’m her roommate! It’s my right!” And she pressed a resounding kiss upon Marjorie’s cheek.

“You’re both silly gooses,” exclaimed the heroine, herself, laughing heartily. “Of course, it isn’t true! And just think, if I’m not elected——” Her voice assumed a tragic tone, “just think how much greater you are making my disappointment!”

“You old hypocrite!” denounced Lily. “She doesn’t care a snap of her fingers for the highest honor a girl can get in college! Just think of it, Mrs. Hadley, she’s done nothing but try to get out of it, ever since she was nominated!”

“Couldn’t we call Daisy, or somebody, and learn the outcome?” suggested John, consulting his watch. “It’s only quarter of eleven.”

“Fine!” cried Lily, delightedly. “You’re willing, aren’t you, Mrs. Hadley?”

“Certainly—I am as much interested as any of you. I almost feel as if I couldn’t go to sleep tonight, if I didn’t know the returns.”

“Of course, there really isn’t any doubt,” Lily repeated. “But still——”
