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“This is Miss Wilkinson, Miss Winthrop,” said Daisy, as Marjorie advanced towards the little group. “She thinks your report was splendid, Marjorie.”

Miss Winthrop’s keen gray eyes seemed to be taking the girl in from head to foot, and, not only that, but to be piercing into her mind as well. Marjorie shifted nervously.

“I want to talk it all over, Miss Wilkinson,” declared the older woman. “Your report was most illuminating, most thorough. In fact, it read more like one from a trained worker than from an inexperienced college girl.”

This statement aroused Lily’s ire.

“Marj isn’t inexperienced!” she cried, resentfully. “She’s been all over the country, and always been a leader, no matter where she went, or what she was doing!”

“Only inexperienced among girls of that type,” explained Miss Winthrop, with a smile. She was secretly pleased by the girl’s loyalty.

“Yes,” murmured Marjorie, “I know what you mean. Miss Andrews and I both felt so dreadfully inexperienced. It seems as if somebody else would have been able to do something. All we did was sit back and listen and watch in amazement.”
