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“To continue: when Mrs. Morgan had left, two of the girls from that group entered my office. Remember, I had not yet received your report, and had no reason to believe anything had been other than it should have. But these girls looked a little bit ashamed of themselves.

“‘Have you heard anything about our jazz party, Miss Winthrop?’ Queenie Brazier—who by the way seems to be the leader of the group—asked.

“‘Yes, Mrs. Morgan just told me it went off beautifully,’ I answered, without any hesitation.

“‘But what did the’—let me see, what did they call you?—‘the two swell Janes,’ I believe—‘have to say about us?’ she asked almost fearfully.

“For a minute I could not think what she meant. Then I recalled the fact that Daisy had promised to try to get another girl from college to help me out, and I presumed she referred to them.

“‘Nothing,’ I replied. ‘I haven’t seen or heard from them since.’

“Both girls breathed a sigh of relief. Then Queenie began, somewhat apologetically, to tell me that they hadn’t given you a square deal, that, as she put it, ‘We shot a lot of how do you get that way stuff at ’em,’ and you never made any move to retaliate. Then, when your two friends, whom the girls evidently admired immensely, for she called them, ‘two swell fellers,’ came in and took you home, they grew remorseful.
