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She selected her costume with great care for her first meeting with the girls. Good clothing appealed to them; style was an essential in their life. She decided upon her new brown suit, tailored in the latest fashion, emphasizing its beauty by a fawn-colored overblouse, with stockings of the same hue. Her hat, a chic little velvet toque, carried out the same motif and completed the charming effect she desired.

It would be interesting, she thought, as she drove into the city, to meet these girls under such circumstances; to go to them at their invitation; to talk to them without interference from members of the opposite sex, whose opinions were so worthless, and yet so weighty with the girls; to observe them under the more normal condition of every-day affairs. Perhaps she had been harsh, after all, in her judgment of them; it really was not fair to watch them at a single social function and to pass upon their characters with so little knowledge of the conditions under which they lived and worked. She had known several college girls whose heads had been turned by popularity and flattery, yet, in comparison with them, these girls were mere children. It was, therefore, with a very forgiving spirit that she drew up to the settlement at eight o’clock and parked her car before its entrance.
