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After Marjorie had made her decision to meet the girls again, she spent the spare time of her entire week trying to persuade Lily to adopt her view of the matter. But Lily positively refused to be persuaded. She was not going down to that place again to be ridiculed—her time was too valuable. If Marjorie chose to do such foolish things, she must do them alone.

Her roommate’s opposition made it a little hard for Marjorie, but did not deter her from keeping her promise to Miss Winthrop. Lily was always cautious, not nearly so prone to run into new undertakings as her chum; but she was usually willing to follow later on. In reality Marjorie had no doubt of Lily; if she won the girls, she would certainly win her.

Yet she was still dubious in her own heart as to the wisdom of the venture. She could not picture those girls as ever becoming interested in a subject so serious as scouting. Nevertheless, it would not be her fault if she failed, for she resolved to present it in all its dramatic highlights, to try to get the thrill of the open life into their blood.
