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She had intended to go straight to Daisy with her story, but she found all her plans interrupted by her class-mates. They crowded her rooms, anxious to congratulate her and to express their good-will, and insisted upon giving her at least part of the celebration which Lily and Jeannette had arranged in her honor. It was evening before she found herself alone; then she sat down to write her report for Miss Winthrop.

She presented her facts as strongly as she knew how, denouncing the girls’ conduct with all the ardor she felt, and yet keeping the personal element out of it. She sketched every girl’s behavior with a definiteness and a truthfulness that bore the impressive stamp of thoroughness. Then, before she had a chance to lose her courage, she posted the letter herself.

She was planning a visit to Daisy on Monday afternoon when a summons to the reception room interrupted her project. To her surprise she found both Lily and Daisy already there, talking with a middle-aged, efficient-looking woman whom she immediately judged to be Miss Winthrop.
