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“The furrow is here within coalesced with the inner side of the labium, and though I see in the entire structure of the head the inner edge of the ligula tube extended under the epipharynx as far as the mandible, I must also accept the fact that here also the hypopharynx extends to the mouth-opening as in all other sucking insects with a well-developed under-lip, viz. the Diptera and Hymenoptera.”
He has also discovered in Micropteryx a paired structure which he regards as the hypopharynx (Fig. 77). As he states:
Fig. 78.—Hypopharynx (hph) of Danais: cl, clypeus; sd, salivary duct; m, labial palp muscles; fm, frontal muscle; ph, pharynx; cor, cornea.—After Burgess.
“A portion of the inner surface of the tube-like ligula is covered by a furrow-like band which, close to the inner side, is coalesced with it, and in position, shape, as well as its appendages or teeth on the edge, may be regarded as nothing else than the hypopharynx.”
A hypopharynx is also present in the highest Lepidoptera, Burgess having detected it in Danais archippus. He states that the hypopharynx forms the floor of the pharyngeal cavity; “it is convex on each side of a median furrow (Fig. 78, hph) and somewhat resembles in shape the human breast. The convex areas are dotted over with little papillæ, which possibly may be taste-organs.”