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The lingua (hypopharynx) exists in perhaps its most generalized condition in the Thysanura (Fig. 69), where it forms a soft projection, having the same relations as in Anabrus and other Orthoptera.[17]

In the cockroach (Fig. 70), as stated by Miall and Denny, the lingua is a chitinous fold of the oral integument situated in front of the labium, and lying in the cavity of the mouth. The common duct of the salivary glands enters the lingua, and opens on its hinder surface. The lingua is supported by a chitinous skeleton (Figs. 70, B; 82, shp). “The thin chitinous surface of the lingua is hairy, like other parts of the mouth, and stiffened by special chitinous rods or bands.” (Miall and Denny.)

Fig. 70.—Hypopharynx of Periplaneta orientalis; the arrow points out of the opening of the salivary duct: A, origin of salivary duct. B, side view. C, front view.—After Miall and Denny.

In the Acrydiidæ (Melanoplus femur-rubrum) the tongue is a large, membranous, partly hollow expansion of the base of the labium. It may be exposed by depressing the end of the labium, when the opening of the salivary duct may be seen at the bottom or end of the space or gap between the hinder base of the tongue, and the inner anterior base of the labium, as shown by the arrows in Fig. 70. It is somewhat pyriform, slightly keeled above, and bearing fine stiff bristles, which, as they point more or less inwards, probably aid in retaining the food within the mouth. The base of the tongue is narrow, and extends back to near the pharynx, there being on the floor of the mouth, behind the tongue, two oblique, slight ridges, covered with stiff, golden-yellow hairs, like those on the tongue. The opening of the salivary duct is situated on the under or hinder side of the hypopharynx, between it and the base of the labium, the base of the former being cleft; the hollow thus formed is situated over the opening, and forms the salivary receptacle.
