Читать книгу Английские легенды / The English Legends онлайн

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that – то

there – там

was drowned – утонула

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Fair and beautiful she looked as she lay there. In her golden hair were pearls and precious stones; you could not see her waist for her golden girdle; and the golden fringe of her white dress came down over her lily feet. But she was drowned, drowned!

And as she lay there in her beauty a famous harper passed by the mill-dam of Binnorie, and saw her sweet pale face. And though he travelled on far away he never forgot that face, and after many days he came back to the bonny mill-stream of Binnorie. But then all he could find of her where they had put her to rest were her bones and her golden hair.

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Вечером все gathered в castle hall, чтобы послушать прославленного арфиста – king and queen, их дочь, сын, сэр Уильям, а также весь двор. Сначала арфист запел, воспользовавшись старой harp, заставляя их то радоваться, то плакать и печалиться. Для исполнения следующей песни арфист взял ту harp, которую сделал недавно, и поставил её на камень посреди зала. Вскоре harp запела сама по себе тихим и ясным голосом, арфист умолк, и all were hushed.
