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ssss1.According to their legal professional status in Spain, prosecutors should take care for victims’ rights.

ssss1.Following the proposal of the Director of the IVAC-KREI, Prof. José Luis de la Cuesta, the Institute´s Board created the “Antonio Beristain Prize”, awarded by the Chair in his honour. Since 2010, this prize recognizes the best research in the field of Victimology and is awarded during that victimological encounter in November. The Basque Institute of Criminology, during more than a decade, is the only Spanish University institutions offering post-graduate studies specifically covering Victimology as a discipline (Varona, 208). Moreoever, professors of the Basque Society of Victimology, and members of the Basque Society of Vicimology, participate in the only MOOC (Massive On Line Open Course) in Victimology in Spanish, with more than 500 students inscribed annually and have published an open access handbook on Victimology.

ssss1.In 2015, the Basque Society of Victimology, together with the Catalonian Society of Victimology and Huygens editorial, start editing the Revista de Victimología/Journal of Victimology, indexed in the main databases of social sciences in Spanish. It is the only international review on Victimology in Spanish and English. Its scientific committee has members of the Executive Committee of the WSV and prestigious victimologists have written articles for the Journal. See http://www.huygens.es/journals/index.php/revista-de-victimologia.
