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ssss1Para mayor detalle, ver también el artículo citado de PASINETTI y MARIUTTI, así como la exposición del profesor Vegara.

ssss1Ver «The Formation of an Economist».

ssss1En el prefacio del libro «John Hicks – His Contributions to Economic Theory and Application» http://www.drkps.com/books/john-hicks-his-contributions-to-economic-theory-and-application.html. «Hicks was one of the last of an almost extinct species of scholars: a generalist who covered microeconomics and macroeconomics, mathematical economics and literary economics, pure theory and policy applications. He was part of no school; John Hicks was his own school.(…) A temperament of no small aspiration, he thought of himself as a rival of Keynes in creating a new less-than-full employment equilibrium paradigm».

ssss1Se puede ver en la página web de la organización de los Premios Nobel, en https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/1972/hicks/biographical/.

ssss1«I have been reluctant to pronounce on larger issues of practical economics since I am convinced that one should not pronounce unless one knows the facts; and to keep abreast of changing facts on a world, or even on a nation scale, is more than can be done by one whose main concern is with principles. A mere familiarity with statistics that have been prepared and digested by others is not sufficient».
