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ssss1«Between theory and history: on the identity of Hicks’s economics», Roberto SCAZZIERI and Stefano ZAMAGNI, en el libro Markets, Money and Capital, Hicksian Economics for the Twenty-first Century, Edited by Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya Sen y Stefano Zamagni. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

ssss1El propio Hicks escribió, en «The Formation of an Economist», incluido en este volumen: «J. R. Hicks…[is] a “neoclassical” economist now deceased…John Hicks [is] a non-neo-classic who is quite disrespectful towards his “uncle.”».

ssss1«Hicks’s “conversion” – from J. R. to John», Luigi. L. PASINETTI y Gian Paolo Mariutti, en el libro Markets, Money and Capital Hicksian Economics for the Twenty-first Century, editado por Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya Sen y and Stefano Zamagni. Cambridge University Press, 2008.

ssss1SAMUELSON señala, respecto al estilo de Hicks: «A final element of luck enhanced Hicks’ total impact on the field. He was privileged to be able to write well and knew how to blow his own horn». Sabía escribir bien y «darse bombo». Por su parte, John Creedy señala: «And while his work often involved highly technical material, he wrote in a style that attracted a wide audience at a time when most economists did not have his mathematical training», aunque, luego, matiza: «In later years Hicks’s style became somewhat prolix as he took it for granted that his readers were interested in knowing every twist and turn in his own developing understanding of a subject (…) Hicks would take several different paths in turn, each time stopping mid-way with a long silence, until producing his final eloquent preferred response».
