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ssss1El propio Hicks escribió, en «The Formation of an Economist»: «J. R. Hicks… [is] a “neoclassical” economist now deceased…John Hicks [is] a non-neo-classic who is quite disrespectful towards his “uncle”.», reconociendo su «conversion», a la que luego aludiremos.

ssss1The Formation of an Economist: «I took my degree in “philosophy, politics and economics”, a new course just established at Oxford, a course which was perhaps better devised for the training of politicians than that of academics (…) But I wanted to be academic and, although I had done very little economics, I was advised that economics was an expanding industry, so I would have a better chance of employment…».

ssss1The Formation of an Economist: «(…) people are terribly prone to quarrelling with each other. At that time the Cambridge faculty was divided into parties which wouldn’t talk to each other. I didn’t enjoy that at all».

ssss1Ver el estupendo artículo titulado «Hicks’s ‘conversion’ – from J.R. to John», de Luigi L. PASINETTI y Gian Paolo MARIUTTI, publicado en el libro Markets, Money and Capital. Hicksian Economics for the Twenty-first Century, editado por Roberto Scazzieri, Amartya Sen y Stefano Zamagni. Cambridge University Press 2008, al que nos referiremos también más adelante.
