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Ed started eagerly away on his errand, but in his haste was inexcusably clumsy, and fell head foremost over a prostrate log which happened to lie in his path. He went down with a loud crash in the midst of a tangled mass of broken branches and brittle sticks.

Instantly the geese jumped into the air with loud, frightened calls, and flew swiftly along close to the water toward a point of the shore a short distance away.

“You’re a peach!” cried George, in dismay, as he rose from behind the rock and surveyed his friend, who was still floundering about in the tangle of deadwood.

“Did they hear me?” inquired Ed, anxiously.

“Hear you! Why—”

Bang, bang!

The report of a gun sounded across the water from the direction of the point toward which the geese had flown. Running to the water’s edge, the boys saw the bodies of two dead geese floating on the surface some distance out. Looking along the shore, they beheld Ben, gun in hand, waving to them.

“Well, what do you think of that?” asked George.

“Beat us at our own game; but we’ll eat goose, anyhow,” laughed Ed, slapping his friend on the back.
