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After supper Ben entertained the boys by telling several hunting stories. When he had finished the last one, he declared it bed-time; knocking the ashes from his pipe, he rose and went outside to consult the sky for weather predictions.

“Going to be a fine day to-morrow. Guess we’ll line bees and get some honey for the winter,” he said, when he came in.

“How do you do that?” asked the lads.

“I’ll show you in the morning. It’s time to turn in, now.” And he motioned them to the bunk.

“What did he say about bees?” whispered Ed, when he and George were beneath the blankets.

“I don’t know, but I’ll bet it’s going to be sport,” George replied, sleepily.




The boys were awake early, and, quickly dressing themselves, they rushed outside to await the appearance of the sun. Ben had told them that the day must be warm and cloudless, for then the bees would work well. Having waited until the sun was some little distance above the horizon, and all danger of a cold or rainy day was past, the hungry lads entered the cabin and ate the meal which the guide had prepared.
