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2 Chapter 1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1

3 Chapter 2ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss1ssss12.20 Murlo (Poggio Civitate) terracotta plaque of horse race, c. 580–575 BCE2.21 Murlo (Poggio Civitate) terracotta plaque of banquet scene, c. 580–575 2.22 Murlo (Poggio Civitate) terracotta plaque of assembly scene, c. 580–575...2.23 Wall painting of Achilles and Troilus, main wall of the antechamber, To...2.24 Wall painting of events from funeral games, Tomb of the Augurs, Tarquin...2.25 Elite dining and outdoor scenes, wall painting from back wall of the bu...2.26 Remains of the Doric temple in the Triangular Forum, Pompeii, 600–550 B...

4 Chapter 33.1 Symposium scene, wall painting in the Tomb of the Diver, Paestum, c. 480...3.2 Diver scene from the roof slab, wall painting in the Tomb of the Diver, ...3.3 Banquet scene, wall painting in the Tomb of the Leopards, Tarquinia, 470...3.4 Dancers, wall painting from the Tomb of the Triclinium, Tarquinia, 470 B...3.5 Pediment relief sculpture from Temple A, Pyrgi, 460 BCE. Museo Nazionale...3.6 Funerary games of boxers and gladiators, wall painting from Tomb 90a, Pa...3.7 Funerary games of charioteers, wall painting from Tomb X, Paestum, 350 B...3.8 Scenes of woman’s funeral and travel into the underworld, wall painting ...3.9 Historical battle, tomb painting from Tomb 114, Paestum, 320 BCE. Museo ...3.10 Carved and painted reliefs, Tomb of the Reliefs, Cerveteri, 4th cent. B...3.11 Portrait of Velia, tomb painting, Tomb of Orcus, Tarquinia, 330 BCE....3.12 Banqueting couple, wall painting from the Tomb of the Shields, Tarquini...3.13 Processional scene, Tomb of the Typhon, Tarquinia, late 3rd cent. BCE, ...3.14 Processional scene, wall painting from a Roman tomb, Rome, c. 300 BCE....3.15 Tomb of Q. Fabius, wall painting from a tomb on the Esquiline Hill, Rom...3.16 Statue of Mars from Todi, c. 400 BCE. Musei Vaticani, Rome. Bronze, H. ...3.17 Bronze statuette of Hercules, c. 400–350 BCE, probably from Cerveteri. ...3.18 Ficoroni Cista, 350–330 BCE, Praeneste. Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Vill...3.19 Bronze chimera from Arezzo, 4th cent. BCE. Museo Archaeologico Nazional...3.20 Terracotta statue of a man from a sanctuary at Cales. National Archaeol...3.21 Votive statue of a woman from a sanctuary at Lavinium. In the Museo Civ...3.22 Bronze bust of a man “Brutus,” Musei Capitolini, Rome. The head and nec...3.23 “Servian Wall,” Rome, c. 386 BCE.3.24 Limestone relief of sulcus primigenius for a Roman colony, 2nd cent. BC...3.25 Ostia, plan of Roman colony centered on forum, 338 BCE. Soprintendenza ...3.26 Paestum, plan of Roman colony, 273 BCE.3.27 Cosa, plan of Roman colony, 273 BCE.3.28 Cosa, reconstruction drawing of arx dominated by their Capitolium, 273
