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9 Chapter 88.1 Portrait of Trajan as victorious general, c. 110 CE, Ostia. Museo Archeo...8.2 Bronze cuirassed portrait of Hadrian, c. 135 CE, from camp of the Sixth ...8.3 Portrait of Plotina, wife of Trajan, c. 112 CE, from Maritime Baths, Ost...8.4 Portrait of Sabina, wife of Hadrian, c. 135 CE, from Maritime Baths, Ost...8.5 Plan of the Forum of Trajan (Forum Traiani), Rome, dedicated 113 CE.8.6 Markets of Trajan designed by Apollodorus of Damascus, c. 110 CE, view f...8.7 Street of shops, Markets of Trajan designed by Apollodorus of Damascus, ...8.8 Main Hall, Markets of Trajan designed by Apollodorus of Damascus, Rome, 8.9a and 8.9b Pantheon, Rome, after 126 CE, plan and section. (a) Plan: Geor...8.10 Facade on the Pantheon, Rome, after 126 CE.8.11 Interior of the Pantheon, Rome, after 126 CE.8.12 Plan of the Villa of Hadrian, Tivoli, Hadrianic.8.13 Circular Island Suite, Villa of Hadrian, Tivoli, Hadrianic.8.14 Serapeum dining complex, Villa of Hadrian, Tivoli, Hadrianic.8.15 Sculpture from the Serapeum complex, Villa of Hadrian, Tivoli, Hadriani...8.16 Column of Trajan, Rome, dedicated 113 CE.8.17 Base of the Column of Trajan, Rome, dedicated 113 CE.8.18 Spiral frieze of the Column of Trajan, Rome, dedicated 113 CE. Lowest r...8.19 Spiral frieze of the Column of Trajan, Rome, dedicated 113 CE. Lowest r...8.20 Adamclisi victory monument, 109 CE, reconstruction, Adamclisi, Romania....8.21 Relief panel, Adamclisi victory monument, 109 CE, Adamclisi, Romania. H...8.22 Trajan in battle, Great Trajanic Frieze, from the Forum of Trajan, Rome...8.23 Trajan crowned by Victory, Great Trajanic Frieze, from the Forum of Tra...8.24 Emperor addressing a crowd in the Forum Romanum, Anaglypha Traiani, fro...8.25 Burning of debt records in the Forum Romanum, Anaglypha Traiani, from t...8.26a and 8.26b Medallions of the virtuti Augusti, the manliness of the empe...8.27 Tondi of Hadrian, 130–138 CE, from the Arch of Constantine, Rome. D 6 f...8.28 Arch of Trajan, Beneventum, Italy, 114 CE, marble.8.29 Sacrifice relief panel, Arch of Trajan, 114 CE, Beneventum, Italy. H 7 ...8.30 Alimenta relief panel, Arch of Trajan, 114 CE, Beneventum, Italy. H 7 f...8.31 Keystone image of Victory crowning Trajan, Arch of Trajan, 114 CE, Bene...8.32 Funerary altar of Quintus Servilius Aprilis and Servilia Ampliata, c. 1...8.33 Relief portraying the interior of a tavern, from Isola Sacra necropolis...8.34 Venus statue from the facade of the amphitheater at Capua, Italy, Hadri...8.35 Calydonian Boar Hunt relief panel from the amphitheater at Capua, Italy...8.36 Relief of Antinous as the god Silvanus, from Lanuvium, c. 130–138 CE. M...8.37 Actaeon relief panel from the amphitheater at Capua, Italy, Hadrianic. ...8.38 Dove mosaic from the Villa of Hadrian, Tivoli, Hadrianic. Now in the Mu...8.39 Black and white mosaic from the Villa of Hadrian, Tivoli, Hadrianic....8.40 Black and white mosaic, Baths of the Cart Drivers, Ostia, c. 120 CE....8.41 Oil lamp produced by Marcus Novius Justus, North Africa, c. 125 CE. Len...

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