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7 Chapter 66.1 Portrait of Tiberius, after 4 CE, from the Fayum in Egypt. Ny Carlsberg ...6.2 Portrait of Caligula, 37 CE, from Asia Minor. Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Co...6.3 Gemma Augustea, c. 15 CE. Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna. Sardonyx, 7 ...6.4a and 6.4b Boscoreale cups A and B, after 10 CE, Boscoreale. Musée du Lou...6.5 City gate, Saepinum, Italy decorated with inscription, bound prisoners, ...6.6 Grotto dining room of Tiberius, villa at Sperlonga, Italy, c. 25 CE.6.7a Cast reconstruction of sculpture group of Polyphemus, grotto dining roo...6.7b Wine skin bearer of sculpture group of Polyphemus, grotto dining room o...6.7c Odysseus of sculpture group of Polyphemus, grotto dining room of Tiberi...6.8 Sculpture group of Scylla, grotto dining room of Tiberius, villa at Sper...6.9 Sculpture group of Palladium, c. 25 CE, grotto dining room of Tiberius, ...6.10 Portrait of Claudius with attributes of Jupiter, 42 CE, Lanuvium, Italy...6.11 Bronze head of Claudius, c. 50 CE, found at the River Alde at Rendham, ...6.12 Grand Camée, c. 50 CE. Cabinet des Médailles, Bibliothèque Nationale, P...6.13 Relief of the Julio‐Claudian dynasty, c. 45–50 CE, Ravenna. Museo Nazio...6.14 Relief from the Altar of the Vicomagistri, Rome, Claudian. Musei Vatica...6.15 Sebasteion at Aphrodisias, Turkey, 1st cent. CE. View down the length o...6.16 Relief of Claudius conquering Britannia, Sebasteion at Aphrodisias, Ner...6.17 Portico at the Claudian harbor, Portus, 46 CE, with rusticated block ma...6.18 Porta Maggiore, Rome, 52 CE, with rusticated block masonry, white trave...6.19 Portrait of Nero, 59 CE, Palatine Hill, Rome. Museo Palatino, Rome. H 1...6.20 Portrait of Livia Augusta, mother of Tiberius, Paestum, early Tiberian....6.21 Antonia (Minor) Augusta, mother of Claudius, as Venus Genetrix statue, 6.22 Claudia Augusta as Psyche statue, c. 64 CE, imperial villa at Punta Epi...6.23 Plan of the Domus Transitoria, Rome, 62 CE.6.24 Ceiling painting from the Domus Transitoria, Rome, 62 CE. Museo Palatin...6.25a and 6.25b Plan and map, Domus Aurea, Rome, 64 CE. (a) Plan: ARCHAEOLOG...6.26 “Dining room” in the Domus Aurea, Rome, 64 CE.6.27 Ceiling painting of Achilles on Scyros, Room 119, Domus Aurea, Rome, 64...6.28 Painting of amphitheater riot, from house 1.3.23, Pompeii, c. 65 CE. Mu...6.29 Wall paintings of still life and mythological scene, macellum, Pompeii,...6.30a and 6.30b Stucco wall treatment, Stabian Baths, Pompeii, c. 64 CE.6.31 Sanctuary of Isis, Pompeii, c. 62 CE, reconstruction.6.32 Sanctuary of Isis, Pompeii, exterior of baptistery, c. 62 CE.6.33 House of Octavius Quartio, Pompeii, after 64 CE, plan.6.34 House of Octavius Quartio, Pompeii, biclinium with Narcissus, Pyramus a...6.35 House of Octavius Quartio, Pompeii, images of Diana and Actaeon, after ...6.36 Medusa head from Caligula’s floating palace, Nemi, Italy, c. 37–41 CE. ...6.37 Engraved gem with profile portrait of Julio‐Claudian youth, c. 20 CE. S...6.38 Mosaic glass bowl, c. 1–50 CE. H 3 ½ in (8.9 cm). J. Paul Getty Museum,...
