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6 Chapter 55.1 Augustus as Pontifex Maximus, from the Via Labicana, Rome, c. 12 BCE. Mu...5.2 Prima Porta Augustus, from the villa of Livia at Prima Porta north of Ro...5.3 Augustan building program in Rome, buildings built or heavily restored u...5.4 Mausoleum of Augustus, 28 BCE exterior view.5.5 Mausoleum of Augustus, 28 BCE reconstruction.5.6 Plan, Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, 13–9 BCE. Museo dell’Ara Pacis, Rome. Ar...5.7 Aeneas sacrificing panel, Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, 13–9 BCE. Museo dell...5.8 Tellus/Italia panel, Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, 13–9 BCE. Museo dell’Ara ...5.9 South procession relief showing the family of Augustus, Ara Pacis August...5.10 Children on south procession panel detail, Ara Pacis Augustae, Rome, 13...5.11 Plan of Forum Augustum, 2 BCE.5.12 Forum Augustum, Temple of Mars Ultor, 2 BCE.5.13 Algiers relief of Mars Ultor, Venus Genetrix, and Caesar, Augustan. Nat...5.14 Forum Augustum, 2 BCE reconstruction of the Attic story, Museo dei Fori...5.15 Augustan buildings on the Palatine Hill, 28 BCE, detail of Figure 5.3....5.16 Archaistic relief of Apollo, Diana, and Leto from the Temple of Apollo ...5.17 Terracotta plaque of Apollo and Hercules from the Temple of Apollo Pala...5.18 Black marble herm of Danaid from the Temple of Apollo Palatinus, Rome, ...5.19 Wall painting, c. 40 BCE “House of Augustus,” Palatine Hill, Rome.5.20 Wall painting from Villa Farnesina, Rome, c. 15 BCE. Museo Nazionale Ro...5.21 Third Style painting, Villa at Oplontis, c. 10 BCE.5.22 Doorway of the Building of Eumachia, Pompeii, after 7 BCE. Marble.5.24 Roman history painting, Tomb of Statilius Taurus, c. 15 BCE, Rome. Muse...5.23 Marble frieze of Tarpeia, c. 14 BCE from the Basilica Aemilia, Forum Ro...5.25 Tomb of Eurysaces, c. 20 BCE Rome. Travertine faced concrete.5.26 Detail of baking frieze, Tomb of Eurysaces, c. 20 BCE Rome. H 23 in (58...5.27 Tomb relief of funeral procession, Augustan. Amiternum. Museo Archeolog...5.28 Tomb relief of freedmen Publius Licinius Philonicus and Publius Liciniu...5.29a and 5.29b Portland Vase, from Rome, Augustan. British Museum, London. ...5.30 “Temple of Mercury” at Baiae on the Bay of Naples, Augustan. Concrete, ...5.31 Gem with Venus and Anchises, c. 25 BCE, Gem: cornelian; modern frame: g...5.32 Blue glass mold‐blown handled cup by Ennion, Augustan. H: 2.36 in...5.33 Caesarea Maritima, painting of Herodian harbor, c. 15 BCE.
