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11 Chapter 1010.1 Portrait of Septimius Severus, his wife, Julia Domna, and sons, Caracal...10.2 Portrait of Septimius Severus, c. 200–210 CE, Musei Capitolini, Rome. H...10.3 Portrait of Julia Domna, c. 193 CE, from Gabii, Italy. Musée du Louvre,...10.4 Portrait of Julia Domna as Ceres, c. 203 CE, from Ostia. Museo Archeolo...10.5 Portrait of Caracalla, c. 206–212 CE, Rome. Metropolitan Museum of Art,...10.6 Portrait of Alexander Severus, 222–235 CE. Musée du Louvre, Paris. H 15...10.7 Baths of Caracalla, along the Via Appia, Rome, dedicated in 216 CE. Wil...10.8 Remains of the Baths of Caracalla, along the Via Appia, Rome, dedicated...10.9 Farnese Bull group from the Baths of Caracalla, along the Via Appia, Ro...10.10 Farnese Hercules from the Baths of Caracalla, along the Via Appia, Rom...10.11 Arch of Septimius Severus, Forum Romanum, Rome, 203 CE.10.12 Panel 2, Arch of Septimius Severus, Forum Romanum, Rome, 203 CE.10.13 Panel 3, Arch of Septimius Severus, Forum Romanum, Rome, 203 CE.10.14 Arch of the Argentarii, Forum Boarium, Rome, 204 CE.10.15 Panel of Septimius Severus and Julia Domna sacrificing, Arch of the Ar...10.16 Arena mosaic from a Roman villa outside Thysdrus (El Djem, Tunisia), c10.17 Cosmological mosaic, Emerita (Merida), Spain, Severan. 13 ¼ × 16 ⅝ ft ...10.18 Dionysus and Seasons sarcophagus, 220–235 CE. Metropolitan Museum of A...10.19 Marine thiasos sarcophagus from Rome, c. 230–240 CE. Munich Glyptothek...10.20 Sarcophagus with Achilles and Penthesilea, 225–235 CE, Rome. Musei Vat...10.21 Forma Urbis Romae drawing of wall in Templum Pacis, Rome, 203–211 CE....10.22 Forma Urbis Romae fragment showing temple complex, Rome, 203–211 CE....10.23 Forma Urbis Romae fragment showing Circus Maximus, Rome, 203–211 CE....10.24 Forma Urbis Romae fragment showing three atrium houses, Rome, 203–211 10.25 The temples of Heliopolis–Baalbek according to the results of the Germ...10.26 The interior of the Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon, Severan, c. 1...10.27a Plan of the Temple of Venus, Baalbek, Severan, c. 220 CE. Fletcher, B...10.27b Exterior of the Temple of Venus, Baalbek, Severan, c. 220 CE. Wikimed...10.28 Plan of Lepcis Magna, Libya with Severan buildings including the harbo...10.29 Harbor remains of Lepcis Magna, Libya, 196–206 CE.10.30 Severan Basilica, Lepcis Magna, Libya, 196–206 CE.10.31 Detail of relief sculpture from the Severan Basilica, Lepcis Magna, Li...10.32 Overall view of Severan arch, Lepcis Magna, Libya, 203 CE. Marble.10.33 Attic triumph panel, Severan arch, Lepcis Magna, Libya, 203 CE. H 5 ft...10.34 Engraved magical gem with Abraxas, c. 200–250 CE, jasper. 11/16 × 9/16...10.35 Beehive coin bank, Italy, c. 190–225 CE. H 5 in; W 3 ½ in (H 12.5 cm; ...
