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The mathematician Alan Turing, in 1936, before the invention of the first computers, posited the existence of an abstract machine capable of calculating all the values of any mathematical function defined on the integers according to an automatic process. Such a machine consists of an infinite tape for storing data and has two parts – one used to read the new data and the other to store them. These data are numbers, which are interpreted by a reading system and written by a writing system and which transmits the read values to the instructions of the machine which uses them to produce the result, which is another sequence of numbers placed in the memorizing part of the tape (see ssss1). There is thus a reading–writing head which makes it possible to specify the actions for processing the instructions. The machine is, at each step of calculation, in a state which is represented by a certain numerically indexed symbol and it is given a precise quantity of these states during its construction. The program of the machine is a set of instructions processing the read values to produce a numerical result. Each instruction has two parts: its trigger to activate and its action to process the value read from the tape. The correct instruction is activated by the trigger and it reads and processes the digital data that is being accessed on the read tape. Its action is to use and rewrite this value read in the same cell of the tape so that it can be used by other machines and then to move the reading head by one cell or not to move it, and then possibly to change its state to specify another one.
