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This approach is characterized as ascending, because we start from the observation of the phenomenon and we try to represent it by variables and functions that describe its evolution. It is therefore assumed that there is a space available and that the physical phenomena that occur in this space with structured elements must be precisely described to measure their evolution.

1.2. Computer science


Computer science as a science of the calculable appears here. All these integer functions, all that mathematicians can define on these integers in the form of various equations, are equivalent to computer programs of abstract machines. It has been shown that for any function of a sequence of integers in another sequence of integers to make mathematical sense, to be coherent, there must exist some abstract machine, an “abstract computer”, with instructions that allow it to be calculated. The existential of all mathematical functions on integers has a meaning if the computable allows it to have one and vice versa. This very powerful theoretical result is the famous thesis of Alonzo Church, dating from 1936. It amounts to saying that for a function on integers to have a mathematical meaning, to be coherent, we need only define the program of a theoretical machine which can calculate it. If there is no such program, the function does not exist and is not logically admissible. Today, the fields of application of computer science are considerable, making it possible to represent practically all structurable knowledge in all fields and to direct quantities of electronic devices in real time.

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