Читать книгу Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things. Generation of Space, Quantum and Molecular Elements, Coactive Generation of Living Organisms and Multiagent Model онлайн

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It is well-observed that hydrogen is very present in the Universe and this leads us to the following result: a quarter of the mass of the Universe is formed of helium and three quarters of hydrogen atoms.

The scientific theory states that the matter in the Universe represents 5% compared to the empty space which is considerable, but it also states that there is dark matter which is six times more important than the visible matter and which allows the maintenance of the conformation of galaxies and their structures which otherwise would not cease to dilate and therefore could not exist. However, this dark matter has not been physically found or observed. The theory posits that there is 70% dark matter and 75% dark energy in the Universe, which are still undetectable with current observational equipment. In our model, we will pose a hypothesis specifying what dark matter is precisely. It is posed that the variations of density of matter will allow, by undergoing gravitational force, to form in the galaxies structures made up of stars and planets.
