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The Big Bang theory thus posits that the Universe originated from a singular point 13.7 billion years ago, but there is no precise notion of the formation of space or time, only a notion of considerable energy at this initial moment in the form of photon fields and the activity of quantum elements. Physically observable matter appeared from this initial state at a very high temperature, with neutrons, protons and electrons in considerable numbers, the protons being assumed to be seven times more numerous than the neutrons. Then were formed, by combinations, nuclei of hydrogen and helium. This set of elements will not cease to expand very strongly in space, thus lowering its considerable temperature and allowing the activation of physical processes that will form the nuclei of many atoms.

All this is defined by differential equations with constants, variables and functions, and these are the equations that give us all the characteristics of this expanding universe. According to these equations formulating the notion of energy, the temperature of several billion degrees Kelvin drops in a few seconds to one billion degrees Kelvin. Then, protons and neutrons are able to associate to form heavy hydrogen nuclei by releasing photons. Some of these nuclei are able to attract an electron to form a hydrogen atom. Some hydrogen atoms are able to attract each a proton, a neutron and an electron from their neighborhood to form helium nuclei, the helium atom being four times heavier than the hydrogen atom. It is deduced in this theory that 99% of the mass of the Universe is formed during this process, being thus constituted mainly of hydrogen and helium.
