Читать книгу Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор онлайн

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On the stroke of midnight

The clock struck midnight when sneaking on tiptoe, with new laptops in her bag, Sofia entered the apartment and saw the light on in the kitchen:

– Hello, dear! Why are you so late? – a calm voice of her husband came out from the kitchen.

Hardly believing her ears, she left the bag in the corridor, put on her slippers and went into the kitchen, where David was sitting at the table, eating Ukrainian borsch with a wooden Russian spoon and watching some action movie in the same damaged computer.

Then the resourceful woman decided to ask her husband what had exactly happened with that laptop, and made a smart move:

– This morning I tried to turn it on and could not, I thought it had been bro- ken, but you did it, it’s strange!

– There isn’t anything weird, actually. Perhaps you accidentally pressed the F2 button and thus turned off the screen, that’s all.

– What are you saying! Is it so easy? – the confused girl exclaimed, and all the hardships of the past day flashed before her eyes.
