Читать книгу Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор онлайн

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The stunned driver of the latter caught himself in time and rushed forward, not allowing the jeep to slide into the ditch. The owner of the Mercedes got upset:

– Oh, who issued you a driver’s license, dear lady? Show me this pest! – he cried with bitterness. – Now you can’t pay me off! Well, come on – get into my car, dear ladies, I will bring you to the service, and then the local mechanics will tow your jeep there.

Day results

And so they did. As a result, Sofochka nevertheless paid off both the Mer- cedes driver and the car service worker who had restored both cars. But all that cost her pretty expensive.

Then the ladies finally got to the seller of the laptop, and Sonya paid for the purchase, discounting the last bit of her money from the credit card. Well, and then, almost without incident, she got home.

It was quite without incedent, except for the trafic cop who took away her driver’s license and wrote a huge fine for the fact that she, having gotten a little bit lost on the road, twice crossed two solid lines right in front of him.

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