Читать книгу Общий курс английского языка. Часть 6 (С1— С2). 13 552 английских слова + © Лингвистический Реаниматор онлайн

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– And why are you so late today, after visiting Julia again? At that very moment Solomonida decided to be frank.

You won’t believe!

– You won’t believe! – she began her story, which was as follows.

After the laptop was diagnosed with a terminal illness, they quickly found the same computer at a reasonable price on the Internet, and, having agreed with the seller, went on a dificult journey by the potholes and pits of the Moscow region.

Over the potholes and bumps of the far suburbs

Not noticing another hump on the road, Sonechka, unable to hold the steer- ing wheel, accelerated for some reason, then gave a sharp brake, they found themselves in a ditch, after which the jeep stalled and did not want to start again.

Having stopped a Mercedes-Benz car passing by, they begged its driver to pull out their car and tow them to the nearest car service center.

He obligingly agreed. And then, being towed by the black Mercedes, two girl- friends, on settling comfortably in their jeep, began to leaf through a fashion magazine.
