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Big-picture sustainability encompasses concerns for the environment as well as social equity and economic viability. Without one, you can’t have the other. For the purpose of this book, I introduce these pillars in terms of food production and procurement.

Meeting your needs and the needs of your grandchildren

Today’s world looks very different than it did in the 1960s. Global population has almost reached 7.9 billion people in 2021. That’s about 6 billion more people than in the 1920s and double the people of the 1960s. That’s a lot of mouths to feed. The need for water is also at a critical junction in many areas of the Western United States, including California, which produces about 50 percent of the fruits and vegetables brought to market year round. In addition, about a third of the world live in poverty with limited access to energy, water, or food. So, you see, focusing on sustainability is as important to humanity as it is to the planet.

We also now consume more resources than ever. Urban areas consume more power than rural settings, but we all use resources to light buildings, power appliances, and heat offices and schools. It’s estimated that we use more resources each year than we put back. However, farmers are pretty efficient.