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ssss1 Muttertreu wird täglich neu. Tendresse maternelle toujours se renouvelle.

ssss1 No hay tal madre como la que pare.

ssss1 Det Barn der faaer Stivmoder, faaer ogsaa Stifvader.

ssss1 Jeder Mutter Kind ist schön.

ssss1 Kein Aff', er schwört, er habe die schönsten Kinder.

ssss1 Mère piteuse fait sa fille rogneuse. La madre pietosa fa la figliuola tignosa.

ssss1 Een huis vol dochters is een kelder vol zuur bier.

ssss1 Casa el hijo quando quisieres, y la hija quando pudieres.

ssss1 Ce que l'enfant oit au foyer, est bientost connu jusqu'au monstier.

ssss1 Ces enfants terribles!



A ragged colt may make a good horse.

An untoward boy may grow up into a proper man. This may be understood either in a physical or a moral sense. "There is no colt but breaks some halter" (Italian),ssss1 otherwise it is good for nothing (French).ssss1 "Youth comes back from far" (French).ssss1 Do not despair of it as lost, though it runs a mad gallop; something of the sort is to be expected of all but those preternaturally sedate youths who are born, as the author of "Eothen" says, with a Chifney bit in their mouths from their mother's womb.
