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"Whatever the bee sucks turns to honey, and whatever the wasp sucks turns to venom" (Portuguese).ssss1

Eagles catch no flies.

Literally translated from a Latin adagessss1 much used by Queen Christina, of Sweden, who affected a superb disdain for petty details. The Romans had another proverbial expression for the same idea:—"The prætor takes no heed of very small matters,"ssss1 for his was a superior court, and did not try cases of minor importance. Our modern lawyers have retained the classical adage, only substituting the word "law" for "prætor." They say, "De minimis non curat lex," which might, perhaps, be freely translated, "Lawyers don't stick at trifles."



ssss1 Chi l'ha per natura, fin alla fossa dura.

ssss1 Lupus pilum mutat non mentem.

ssss1 El lobo pierde los dientes, mas no los mientes.

ssss1 Lo que en la leche se mama, en la mortaja so derrama.

ssss1 Chi nasce di gallina, convien che rozzuola.

ssss1 Chi naquit chat, court après les souris. Chi nasce di gatta sorice piglia.
