Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Corfu formerly Corcyra. was by some called Phæacia, so denominate from a Virgin of that name, who was here supposed to have beene deflowred by Neptune. This Ile produceth good store of Wines, Oyle, Wax, Honey, and delicate fruits.

From thence after certaine daies abode, I imbarked in a Greekish Carmesalo, with a great number of passengers, Greekes, Slavonians, Italians, Armenians, and Jewes, that were all mindefull to Zante, and I also of the like intent; being in all fourty eight persons: having roome windes, and a fresh gale, in 24. houres we discovered the Ile Cephalonia the greater; and sayled close along Cephalonia minor, or the lesser Ithaca, called now Val di Compare, being in length twenty, and in circuite fifty sixe miles, renowned for the birth of Laertes sonne, Ulysses;

[II. 60.]Ithaca where Ulysses was borne.From th’Ithac rockes we fled Laertes shoare,

And curs’d the land, that dire Ulysses bore.

For Ilions sake, with Dardan blood attird,

Whose wooden horse, the Trojan Temples fird.
