Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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The land it selfe is full of Mountaines, yet exceeding fertile, yeelding Malvasia, Muskadine, vino Leatico, Raysins, Olives, Figges, Honey, Sweet-water, Pine, Mol-berry, Date, and Cypre-trees, and all other sorts of fruites in abundance. The commodity of which redounds yearely to the Venetians, for they are Signiors thereof.

Leaving this weather-beaten Carmoesalo, layd up to a full sea, I tooke purpose to travell through the Iland; in the first dayes journey, I past by many fine Villages and pleasant fields, especially the vaile Alessandro; where the Greekes told me, their Ancestors were vanquished in battell by the Macedonian Conquerour. They also shewed me on the top of Mount Gargasso, the ruines of that Temple, which had beene of old dedicate to Jupiter: and upon the second day I hired two Fisher-men in a little Boat, to carry me over to Zante, being twenty five miles distant.

Here in Zante a Greekish Chyrurgion undertooke the curing of my arme, & performed condition within time.

[II. 64.]Zante.The Ile of Zante was called Zacinthus, because so was called the sonne of Dardanus, who reigned there. And by some Hyria. It hath a Citty of a great length, bordering along the sea side, the chiefe seate of the Ile, & named Zante, over the doore of whose Prætorium or Judgement Hall, are inscribed these verses,
