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Morea in Greece.Peloponnesus now called Morea, a Peninsula, is all invironed with the sea, save onely at a narrow strait, where it is tied to the continent by an Istmus of five miles in breadth: which the Venetians then Lord of it, fortified with five Castles, and a strong wall from creeke to creeke, which easily were subverted by the Turkish batteries, the defect onely remaining in the defendants weaknesse, and want of men: Corinth and its gulfe, lyeth at the East end of this Istmus, and the gulfe Lepanto on the West, dividing Ætolia and Epyre: The wall which traversed this strait of Morea, was called Hexamite, five miles long: Truely it is one of the most famous distroit du terre en Europe. Morea it selfe is in length 168. and in compasse 546. miles, and is at this day, the most fertile, and best inhabited Province of all the Empyre of Greece: The chiefe Rivers here, are Arbona and Ropheos: Argos here also is watered with the River Planizza, neare which [II. 68.]standeth the Towne of Epidaure, wherein the Temple of Esculapius was so renowned for restoring of health to diseased persons. It was anciently cognominate Agalia from Agalius the first King, Anno Mundi 1574. and also intituled from two Kings Sicionia, and Apia, then Peloponesus from Pelops, and now Moreah. It is divided in five territories or petty Provinces, Laconia, Arcadia, Argolis, Misenia, and Eliso, the proper territory of Corinth. Of which City it was sayd,
