Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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Hor. Let men take heed of Lais, Corinths whoore,

Who earn’d ten thousand Drachmas in an houre.

It is sayd by Æneas Silvius in his Cosmographicall treatise of Europe that divers Kings went about to digge The strait of Morea.through this Istmus to make it an Iland, namely King Demetrius, Julius Cæsar, Caius Caligula, and Domitius Nero: Of all whome he doth note that they not onely failed of their purpose, but that they came to violent and unnaturall deaths.

But before the aforesayd Caravan at Peterasso admitted me into his company, he was wonderfull inquisitive, to know for what cause I travelled alone? & of what Nation I was? To whom I soberly excused, and discovered my selfe with modest answers. Which pacified his curiosity; but not his avaritious minde: for under a pretended protection he had of me, he extorted the most part of my money from my purse, without any regard of conscience.

In the first, second, and third dayes journeying, we had faire way, hard lodging, but good cheere, and kind entertainement for our money, which was the Countrey Laconia. But on the fourth day, when we entred in the hilly and barren Countrey of Arcadia; where, for a dayes journey we had no Village, but saw abundance of Cattell [II. 69.]without keepers; and in that place it is thought the great battell of Pharsalia was fought betweene Julius Cæsar, and Pompey the great.
