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Hic locus, odit, amat, punit, conservat, honorat,

Nequitiam, pacem, crimina, jura, probos.

This place, hates, loves, chastens, conserves, rewards,

Vice, peace, fellony, lawes, vertuous regards.

And on the top of a Hill, above the towne, standeth a large, and strong Fortresse (not unlike the Castle of Milaine) wherein the Providitore dwelleth, who governeth the Iland. This Citty is subject yearely to fearefull Earthquakes, especially in the moneths of October and November, which oftentimes subvert their houses, and themselves, bringing deadly destruction on all. This Ile produceth good store of Rasini di Corintho, commonly called Currants, Olives, Pomgranates, Cytrones, Orenges, Lemmons, Grenadiers, and Mellones, and is in compasse 68. miles, being distant from the fore Promontore of Morea some 16. miles.

The Ilanders are Greekes, a kind of subtile people, and great dissemblers; but the Signiory thereof belongeth to Venice. And if it were not for that great provision of corne, which are dayly transported from the firme land of Peleponesus to them, the Inhabitants in short time would famish.
