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Bidding farewell to Zante, I imbarked in a Frigato, going to Peterasso in Morea, which of old was called Peloponesus: And by the way in the Gulfe Lepanto (which divideth Etolia and Morea. The chiefest Citty in Etolia is called Lepanto: from thence West-ward by the sea side, is Delphos, famous for the Oracle of Apollo) we sayled by the Iles Echinidi, but by Moderne Writers, Curzolari: where the Christians obtained the victory against the Turkes, for there did they fight, after this manner.

Christian Generalls.In the yeare 1571. and the sixth of October, Don John of Austria, Generall for the Spanish Gallies, Marco Antonio Colonna, for Pope Pio Quinto; and Sebastiano Venieco for the Venetian Army, convened altogether in Largostolo at Cephalonia: having of all 208. Gallies, sixe Galleasses, and 25. Frigotes.

After a most resolute deliberation, these three Generals went with a valiant courage to incounter with the Turkish [II. 66.]Armado, on the Sunday morning, the seventh of October: who in the end, through the helpe of Christ, obtained a The battell of Lepanto.glorious victory. In that fight there was taken and drowned 180. of Turkish Gallies; and there escaped about the number of sixe hundred and fifty shippes, Gallies, Galeotes, and other vessels: There was fifteene thousand Turkes killed and foure thousand taken prisoners, besides 4000. peeces of Ordonance, and twelve thousand Christians delivered from their slavish bondage. In all, the Christians loosed but eleven Gallies, and five thousand slaine. At their returne to Largostolo, after this victorious battell, the three Generals divided innumerable spoyles, to their well-deserving Captaines, and worthy Souldiers.
