Читать книгу The Totall Discourse of the Rare Adventures & Painefull Peregrinations. The Long Nineteene Yeares Travayles from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia and Affrica онлайн

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I would thy beauty (fairest of all Dames)

Had never caus’d the jealous Greekes to move

Thy eyes from Greece, to Ilion cast flames,

And burnt that Trojan, with adulterate love:

He captive like, thy mercy came to prove

And thou divorc’d, was ravish’d with a toy:

He swore faire Helen was his dearest dove

And thou a Paris swore for to enjoy:

Mourne may the ghosts, of sometimes stately Troy.

And curse that day, thou saw the Phirigian coast:

Thy lecherous lust, did Priams pride destroy,

And many thousands, for thy sake were lost.

Was’t nature, fortune, fancy, beauty, birth,

That cros’d thee so, to be a crosse on earth.

Some of thy sexe, baptiz’d with thy curst name,

Crown’d with thy fate, are partners in thy shame.

[II. 71.]Helens are snakes, which breeds their lovers paine,

The maps of malice, murther and disdaine:

Helens are gulfes, whence streames of blood do flow

Rapine, deceit, treason, and overthrow:

Helens are whoores, whiles in a Virgin Maske,

They sucke from Pluto sterne Proserpines taske:
